Monday, November 4, 2013

November New Strategy

This month I have started implementing math tubs into my classroom.  I found some math tub activities on TpT that I copied and put into bins.  Every Friday I put out 6 activities including iPads that focus on the skills that we are currently working on in our curriculum.  I let the kids choose where they want to go and keep track by having them check in at that station.  So far so good!  The kids have been really enjoying doing something different and don't even realize they are learning!  My plan is to leave out the same tubs for a month and then switch out the activities.  We'll see how it goes . . .

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen,

    Your math tub idea sounds like a lot of fun for the kids. Better yet, they are learning and they think they are just having fun. At this time of the year kids need something new to excite their learning. I'll have to stop by and check them out.
