Monday, November 4, 2013

Technology Plan

Our district is very committed to the implementation of technology in the classroom.  This year all students from grades 6-12 received a device to use.  In the elementary schools, each grade level received a class set of iPads.  Each year we are required to write goals for our teaching and submit them to our principal.  This year we were required to write a technology goal as well.  My technology goal this year revolves around using technology more often in my classroom.  When using technology as a learning tool, students become more engaged in ways they can’t by simply doing paper/pencil tasks.  By using technology, students can explore and collaborate with others in new, creative ways.  My two goals for the 13-14 school year include:

1.     Integrate technology into my weekly instruction to support learning.
-       I began using Animoto as a way to do a digital book report for some of my higher students.  I am using itools weekly to support our math curriculum.  There are several apps and websites I have found that can be used to support both our math and LA curriculum.  The kids have really enjoyed more time on their devices and already seem to be grasping concepts quicker.

2.     Improve my knowledge and skills so I am able to implement more technology in my classroom.

- I have started to work on this by researching new apps and websites for games.  I have also been watching videos and reading up on how to integrate more technology into the curriculum.  I am working on moving from substitution to modification and redefinition on the SAMR model.

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