Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Conference

After attending St. Mary’s Fall Conference, and meeting with some fellow first grade teachers, I was inspired to try some new things in my classroom.  First, is a new way of teaching handwriting to my kids.  And the second is a way to incorporate math tubs into my classroom.  I am excited to incorporate both these new ideas and even brought them back and shared them with my grade level. 
I feel this process supported all of the AGAPE principles.  It supported Association because it was a collaborative learning relationship that allowed for learning with one another.  It supported Generativity because it was an opportunity to build knowledge together.  Adaptation was supported by creativity, collaborative problem solving and critical thinking.  Presence and Engagement were supported by togetherness and a fully engaged learning experience that focused on acceptance and openness. 
Overall, this process was a great learning experience and a way to connect with others from similar grade levels.  We were able to brainstorm issues and come up with new ideas for our classrooms.

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